The boss man of Paniliakos, one of the Greek football clubs has expressed his team's readiness for the upcoming season.

Manager Spyros Antonopoulos said that his players have been doing quite well in trainings and are fast learning how to follow instructions. He also is of the belief that his team can begin the season on a good note and go forward to improve on their rankings from last year.
However, Antonopoulos has reiterated that their success or failure would depend on the performance of the players both on an individual level and on team level as well. While he is of the view that his team is a good squad, it is also necessary that his squad learn to believe in themselves as well.
Antonopoulos sees the Greek league as a very competitive one which can only be won if the team starts off the competition on a very strong note. This would help in building up the team's confidence, thus helping them become better. Unfortunately, the manager has decried his inability to sign a new midfielder for his team so as to boost the midfield due to the financial difficulties being faced by the club.
On the other hand, the captain of the Paniliakos squad, has commended the good team spirit existing among teammates whilst reiterating his team's readiness for the new season, with the hope that they would win one trophy at least in this season.
He also hopes that they could go home with the league title but knows it could be quite difficult, even though they might have a good opportunity to go far in the competition.
The captain also commended his manager for the continued positivity and the great job on the part of the manager so far which has gone a long way to help the players believe a lot more in themselves.