Paniliakos afc has managed to alleviate some of the financial problems that it has been facing for some time. At this point, the Paniliakos has covered so far around 65% of the financial obligations of this season. At this point, the Paniliakos has covered so far around 65% of the financial obligations of this season.
The assistance, however, the sporting world of the Tower and the surrounding area are unfortunately not that it should and that counts. The assistance, however, the sporting world of the Tower and the surrounding area are unfortunately not that it should and that counts. Both moral and physical. Both moral and physical.
Among the most striking examples is the fact that at 8 Paniliakos game that has given so far in the league as home to the Tower (with Salamis, Corinth, Rouf, Ag, Peninsula, Aspropyrgos Keratea, Panaigialeio) has received revenue from ticket the amount of 18,830 euros. Among the most striking examples is the fact that at 8 Paniliakos game that has given so far in the league as home to the Tower (with Salamis, Corinth, Rouf, Ag, Peninsula, Aspropyrgos Keratea, Panaigialeio) has received revenue from ticket the amount of 18,830 euros.